Q Find a trusted friend or co-worker to help evaluate your verbal communication skills. Ask them the following questions, then write a one page summary (see more instructions below): 1.) Do I tend to use positive or negative language? 2.) Do I use a lot of "global" terminology? (he "always" says that; she "never" does that) 3.) Do I communicate clearly, or do people struggle to understand my meaning? 4.) Do I tend to smile when I speak? 5.) How would you categories my overall presence when I speak? (confident, uncertain, timid, relaxed)? Why do you perceive that? 6.) What “pet” words or phrases do I use regularly? 7.) When I speak, how does my tone sound (assertive, calming, friendly, persuasive)? What examples of this can you provide? 8.) What can I do to improve the way I communicate verbally with people? Write a one page paper with two parts: Part 1: Describe the feedback you received from you friend/co-worker. What input did they provide on your verbal communication skills? What surprised you, if anything? Part 2: What verbal communication skills do you think you need to improve upon? Describe a few strategies to increase your positive communication abilities. Grading: 10 points content (5 point for each part) 5 points for spelling, grammar, length of paper
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